I have no fucking idea. I have no idea why it works. Or why it is.
Stewart: Why has Twitter suddenly become such a big deal amongst legislators and the media elite?
Samantha Bee: Uh, because it's AWESOME.
So now this is happening:

valleywag piece is here
Obviously, the sale of Twitter to Facebook didn't happen, I'm not entirely sure why--that no mutual agreement could be reached is my presumption. But from what I've been hearing everywhere really are a lot of complaints about FB (the Privacy/Terms baloney, the fact that everyone's parents have joined, the endless barrage of unnecessary Applications and so on and so forth). Twitter is neither necessary nor profitable, but it's everywhere. Check out Gawker's Twitterati.

Perhaps Facebook is to take the place of MySpace, and Twitter that of Facebook? I don't even know where that leaves Friendster (my favorite).
And here's Mark. FOLLOWING suit.
(and all for just 140 characters!)