So Anaïs got her birthday on. A total hit, blah, blah, blah. But you know it ruled so why do I need to go on about it?
Well, only to talk about how sometime after dinner...and before the dance party (yes, with a kick ass fog machine) I fainted.
Fainted. Not to be confused with 'passing out' in, "oh I was so tired I just passed out." No, I was actually unconscious. I don't remember any of it.
They say I was getting up off the couch and collapsed. Some dear pals escorted me into Scott and Anaïs' room to lie down, and then I suddenly felt fine. I wondered what the big fucking deal was. Talk about a comeback.
Some people I know have Vertigo--I understand what it's like and that it completely blows. I can relate in that my condition is also really fucking awful, not to mention embarrassing.
So far this year I've fainted:
1) In my parents' kitchen in Seattle. It was mid-afternoon, they called me in there to tell me something. I walked in the room...and went down, no reason.
2) At one of Dave's parties; got very dizzy and woke up with a circle of kids peering down at me.
3) In Nico's upstairs living room--he was cooking us something to eat and I just crumpled to the floor. Awesome.
4) Said incident chez Ani (last Friday).
Yes, I'm anemic and also have very low blood-sugar, I know this. But there's not much I can really do except try to eat healthy and I guess try to not pass out. Wish me luck.