Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hey guys! Like the new head gear? This is from our adventure at the New York State Renaissance Fair. A few Sundays ago, a whole crew of us drove upstate and spent one very memorable, bizarre, insane, fascinating, extremely trippy day trip terms of description, basically all adjectives apply.

This happened after purchasing our admission to the "Fayre."
Because obviously iguanas played an important role during Renaissance times.

Graham found this stick in the surrounding woods. And by stick, I mean, Magic Staff.
At Ren Fayre this is NBD.

Morgan: Ring Leader, Turkey Eater

A friend in MEAD is a friend indeed.


One downside of this day o' fun was that it turned us retarded.

I may have lost my motor skills for a while, but I think people still got the message.

Renaissance Fair Trade Magazine. Uh huh.

All Photos By Morgan M. (he's a really good picture-taker)