Wait, what is this feeling? It's so foreign and confusing. Oh, now I get it...I'm happy. I'm happy? And where did that come from? Well, 'cause life's been good.
Went out with the kids to celebrate at Eda's BD Dinner.
Went to Scott's for Eda's after-party; he recorded the debate on DVR or whatever and it was up on the projector screen.
Heavy Petting.
Fast-forward to the followring night, which was the big bash chez Hadas--also for her upcoming BDay.
Some traveled by train, some by taxi, others by Moonwalk.
- When you gonna drop Magnum on us, buddy?
- Not yet. You gotta tame the beast before you let it out of its cage.
Oh, OK this is in East Hampton. These photos are kind of out of order, just go with it.
Well, if you refer back to our LIRR trip you will note that this is one very classy bunch.
If I were Leonardo Da Vinci, this would be my Mona Lisa.
Also, Scott writes the funniest photo captions in the world. I won't put one on here because that would feel like stealing someone else's joke, or just being annoying by repeating something that you didn't even think of yourself, you heard from someone else--well the point is, neither is cool.
If I were the type of person to say stuff like, "Power Couple," I would bestow said title upon Chelsea and Foster. Clearly, they are amazing.
Just really out of order. Like a time machine.
SHAKE SHACK...obviously back in NY now.
My Life as a Cover Girl.