Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A New Sensation A New Sensation Right Now

One of my favorite human beings on this earth, Ali is moving out west for grad school because she's not only a thing of beauty, a joy forever, she's also like, really super smart.

Lauren is also a Top Friend.
I mean just look at her. Ughhhhhh envy. Shhhhhh. I should hate her, but of course she's practically perfect in every way, and you can't help but fall in love..

Oh and we've all been des bonnes amies depuis qu'on a eu 17 ou 18 ans.

Holy cow how did we get so old? Oy, never mind. Here. Pictures. Look.

Monday, April 20, 2009

"Hopefully people know me for my work - not my car accidents."

Linsanity Expands Global Brand

Prices at an all-time low!

Keep it up, L.
You're doing great.

Sunday Funnies

From my mother via text (earlier today:

I made a giant pot of homemade vegetable soup to last me through the week. It tasted pretty good at lunch. But Dad just said, "where's the catnip?", and i realized that the 2 tbls of basil was actually CATNIP! Catnip soup!
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


P.S. According to this site catnip has a sedentary effect on humans (most often consumed in tea). Okay.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I did rock hands on TV. (click photo to enlarge)

It was so much better watching it down there...my ultimate point being that I want to say a big THANK YOU to Mr. RK who is a brilliant SNL writer and the mastermind behind this:

Fuuuuuuuunny shit, excellent work, my friend.

And the one other thing I'll say about this night was how I was totally starstruck for Jack McBrayer (Kenneth from 30 Rock, but hopefully you already knew that). Anyway he was at the "after-party" hanging with the cast and I managed to restrain myself from fanning out or anything. God it was difficult. Well, good for me.

The End.